Monday, April 25, 2016

The One with the New Runner's High

Hello from Coomi! 

I made a breakthrough this week!

As you are all aware, before my mission I loved to exercise. I could have run all day and that would have made me the happiest girl alive. My favorite feeling in the world was that feeling of complete physical exhaustion after a long run or a hard workout. I'm pretty sure I was addicted to the "runner's high." When I first became a missionary, I really struggled with accepting that fact that I probably wouldn't have another "runner's high" for 18 months because any average person who has served a mission can tell you that no matter how hard to try to make it the same, exercise as a missionary and exercise as a normal person are very, very different. I really missed the feeling of just doing one more push up or running one more mile, then just collapsing after all sweaty and happy! But I have found a new runner's high on my mission that will have to do until I get home and I can spend an entire day at the gym! My new runner's high is long, hard, exhausting work. This week I was thinking back on the times that I have been happiest on my mission and those times were the days when I worked with all I have and gave the Lord all I've got, then crashed into bed, aching but satisfied. So I have decided that every single day when I go out, I will not go back into my apartment without giving away all of the Book of Mormons in my bag. I will talk to every single person on the street. I will love and serve the members and less actives and pour all of my heart into their well-being. And when we find investigators (and I know we will because they do exist in Coomi like they did in Jinhae and Pohang) I will give my whole heart to them too. I have faith that if I give God all that I have miracles will happen. So I can't slow down and just run 8 miles when I know I can run 10 or just talk to the people who seem nice or easy to talk to because I cannot judge who is prepared and who isn't. God is the only one who knows their potential. but I know mine and I can't just let myself fall below the bar. I can jump higher and higher so that my "bar" keeps getting higher and higher and I keep learning how to reach and raise it. I know I can do all things through Christ and if I trust Him it will all work out! If I don't give Him all I've got, then everything that I have given up to serve my mission, everything that I have put into the last 11 months, will be worthless. But I love god and I know that He will help me! Please pray for us to find new investigators and help this area! 

"I you love"

Sister Johns

It's Buddha's Birthday, so all of the Buddhist temples are decorated so pretty!!
The lanterns all say "Happy Birthday Buddha!

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