Monday, March 14, 2016

The One When Claire Said She Would Be Baptized!!

Hello from Korea!!

Can I first say that Kayleigh's wedding was so beautiful and seems like it was a blast! I am sooooo sad that I couldn't be there, but so glad that my cardboard-cutout-self had such a great time! Gosh, Kenz! You really like to party!!! I never thought I'd be the crowd surfing type, but then again, I surprise myself every yesterday when I pretty much ate an entire pig intestine. #adventuresinkorea 

Anyway, things are just keepin on here in Pohang. We saw a big miracle this week...I mean we see them every single day, but we saw a really big one this week! Our investigator, Claire, told us that she would be baptized! If you remember, last week we taught her how to repent and she said that she felt so much peace when she repented in her heart. We taught her about baptism and the Holy Ghost and she said that she wants to be baptized! So let's fill up dat font and seal the deal! I know that Claire isn't just going to be like Alice and Kim Jihyun and all of the other people that almost got baptized because this time I have more faith and I am not going to let any doubt creep in. I know she will get baptized and I will finally see the miracle of conversion on my mission!!! I have been waiting so long for this!! 

Other than that, nothing really exciting happened this week. We went to Hogaye for a relief society activity and I saw Sister Cooper there! That was sooo good and it was great to talk to her about Kayleigh getting married! I have made some of the best friends on my mission! Also, we had a little miracle yesterday night. Our ward mission leader and his wife (the cutest little old people ever) invited us over for dinner so we wouldn't have to jundo out in the cold all night and they made us kimchi spaghetti (SO cute) because me and Sister Clove are both American. They made me feel so welcome and happy in their house and we went out on the veranda with our mission leader's wife and she showed us the first cherry blossoms of the season. It seriously felt like that scene in Mulan where her dad tells her something really inspirational under the cherry blossom tree. Brother Ahn and Sister Jung just made us feel so welcome in their home and it really helped distract me from thinking about the wedding. It was just one of those moments that reminded me that I wouldn't want be anywhere else in the world but here in Korea even if I look like the ogre version on Princess Fiona from Shrek, I have to eat pig intestines and worms, and I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in 10 months. But honestly, this mission is making me a way better person than I was before, even if my teeth are permanently stained from eating so much kimchi (YUM!).

We have transfers this week! I will get a call on Saturday if I am transferring, and chances are the next time I write you it will be from another area! I kind of hope so! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Pohang! This area is great and I would recommend for anyone to serve here! But I really need change because I am starting to get restless here! Who knew that Kenzie Johns, the girl who is afraid of everything, would love change! But I am coming to love change more and more every day!

Sorry if my letters are starting to get boring. I guess I have just gotten really used to the whole life in Korea thing, so I don't have a lot to write about anymore. It's just my home now and even the random men peeing on random walls and psycho stray cats all over the streets don't phase me anymore. But I love this place. I really wish Americans could appreciate Korea and not just see it as some random place in Asia because it really is the best place ever and so beautiful and the people here are the absolute nicest humans you could ever meet!

"I you love!!"

Sister Johns

ps- can you believe I'm going to me 21 this week! That is SOOO old! I just can't wrap my mind around it!!! 

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