Sooo much has happened this week...I have no idea how to write about it all! So, so, so many good things!!
First we'll start with the baptism!
Yes, Borahm got baptized and it was amazing!!!! And it was all such a miracle how it worked out!
Last Tuesday, Sister Workman and I were doing companionship study when we got a call from Borahm's teacher in America. This year, she won't be able to come to Korea, so she called Borahm and encouraged her to get baptized ASAP. That day during lunch, we got a call from Borahm and she said that she wanted to get baptized on Saturday! You could just hear her beaming with excitement through the phone. So we did all we could to prepare, she passed the interview with flying colors and she was baptized on Saturday and she received the Gift of the Holy Ghost on Sunday. She was so cute about the whole thing and the member who gave her the Holy Ghost, blessed her to become a wonderful missionary someday! It was sooo cool. She fits right in with the ward and is already making friends with the youth. Her siblings got baptized in America and we went over to their house to watch it with her family on Skype so I could translate for them. It was so cool. Her mom still doesn't have much interest, but she really enjoyed the baptism and she spent all day with the members and made a lot of friends. She really seems to enjoy being around them!
Also, the fashion family is progressing so well! We shared the message of the restoration with them and they loved it and said that they want to know for themselves if it's true. They were so excited and willing to learn. The mom had already read the entire intro section, testimonies, and all the way to 1 Nephi 5 in a week! They really wanted to come to the baptism but they were out of town! We'll see what happens!
Nam Gyung Hoei is doing well too. She attended the baptism and had a lot of questions. I hope she works toward baptism too!
Gee...I was sad to leave Coomi! Funny because I had such a hard time loving that area at the beginning. God really works in mysterious ways!
Anyway, Saturday was probably the craziest day of my entire life! We had the Skype baptism in the morning, appointments all day, so much prep to do, the baptism, then transfer calls that night. Even though Sister Workman and I were running around like chickens with our heads cut off to get it all to work out, it all went well without a single hitch!!! It was perfect. I was soo happy when I saw her go down and come up out of the water!! There's nothing else in the world like a baptism! And I'm not gonna lie, we spoiled Borahm pretty bad! You know me! I like cute things and I love spoiling the people I love! I'll send y'all pictures of it all later! My USB in in my luggage on its way here...
Which brings me to the next exciting news! I got transferred to Jeju Island!! I'm not gonna lie, I was kind of sad at first because I really, really wanted to serve in Busan and have a subway in my area...BUT I got called to be STL of the South Pusan Zone along with my new companion, Sister Allred! That means that I get to go on exchanges to the big city!! Yay! The only crazy thing is that we will be having to ride an airplane almost once a week to get to the mainland!! I'm a little nervous to be STL because I've never done it before, but I know God will help me! I love Sister Allred to death and we already are having so much fun! She came to Korea a month after me so we were in the MTC together. We were super shocked when we got called to serve together because we are both such "old" missionaries, but I think it will be a break for both of us after having the big responsibility to train. It was so funny because I thought I was going to Jeju to follow-up train her trainee and she thought my trainee was coming to Jeju to be follow-up trained by her! But then we realized that we were companions and we were so confused. But it's super fun serving with her, so I'm not complaining!
Jeju is really beautiful! We took a plane to get here and we were traveling all day yesterday so we didn't get to email and so that's why my email is late! But don't worry, we have permission to email today!! I am so excited that I am on Jeju and that I have come to such a beautiful place for possibly my last area!! I really miss Sister Workman all ready and I can't believe training is already over, but she will do so well! She is such a great missionary! I know Coomi is in great hands with her and her new companion, Sister Han! Everything is working out for our good, just like God promised! I know that we will see lots of baptisms here on Jeju. I can already feel it! I am so excited to serve God in this new (beautiful) vineyard!! And P-Days are gonna be pretty sick!ㅋㅋ
Well, I love y'all to death! Have a wonderful week!
"I you love"
Sister Johns
Cleaning the baptismal font after a long day of jundo in the heat #bucketlist |
That is the face of pure happiness, friends. |
Cleaning the font was kind of yucky. It had been since Janurary since we've seen a baptism in Coomi! |
We made a cute little table display for her because cute things are cheap and so easy to find in we just had a bunch of random picture frames chillin in our house |
The masterminds |
We really tried to make Borahm feel like a queen as much as week could! |
The YW |
...and the YM. I think they have a crush!! |
Nam Gyung Hoei |
We got to see one of the less active/ part member families I've been teaching in Coomi one more time before I left |
Bishop's wife made the yummiest bye-bye meal for me! She is an amazing cook and makes everything healthy style! |
Jeju crab...get excited, Dad! YUM |
Yes, friends it is this hot outside... #sweatstains4dayz |
We got some American treats from the senior couple in Daegu zone and made some mudcups on P-day |